
instruction unit meaning in Chinese



  1. Design and implementation of special instructions unit in high performance embedded cpu
  2. Based on the ( program counter ) pc arbitrage strategy of multi - path execution , designing fetch instruction unit suit for selective dual path execution . the dissertation work plays a great significance for studying the high performance microprocessors
    6 、设计分析适合选择双路径结构的取指部件;通过研究多路径执行中的pc仲裁机制,设计适合双路径执行结构的取指部件。

Related Words

  1. emit instruction
  2. minicomputer instruction
  3. instruction packet
  4. special instruction
  5. communicative instruction
  6. monadic instruction
  7. guidance instruction
  8. effective instruction
  9. short instruction
  10. job instruction
  11. instruction trace
  12. instruction type
  13. instruction unpack
  14. instruction user
PC Version

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